Every one of SLS horses and ponies have a unique individual health care plan. This includes veterinary treatments, effective parasite control measures, farriery, tack checks, training regimes, weigh ins, feed plans and much more.

At SLS, we focus on all aspects of horse care, not just the riding. Noticing changes in a horses’ general well being could mean the difference between life or death.

We start at a very basic level looking at points of the horse, ailments and conditions. We also explore equine first aid, what to do in an emergency, travelling and bandaging, external and internal parasites and a focus on hoof health.

We look at common equine diseases and ailments, symptoms, what to look out for and when to call the vet. We also look at preventative treatments such as worming and farriery. We offer tuition in bandaging and human first aid.

Children are encouraged to learn about weigh-taping the horses, taking their temperature, listening to the heart and lungs, keeping an eye on condition including body-scoring, identifying lameness and getting hands-on.